X West
They’re new to the Intermountain West, but their experience in the excavation industry spans over 20 successful years. X West specializes in everything from excavation, demolition, utility preparation, and operated equipment rentals now based in Idaho Falls, Idaho. When high-stress environments require licensed operators to excavate hillsides, lava rock, or commercial landscapes, their services are available annually throughout the region in any weather, any condition.
The owners sought professional web services after their arrival to Idaho Falls. After reviewing our many digital marketing capabilities from web design to search engine optimization (SEO), we immediately became the best choice for their business needs. Our Content Lead, Casey Soelberg, interviewed both owners on multiple occasions to ensure their message and services were conveyed appropriately and concisely for both potential employees and clients alike.
In addition to the written content and design services our team provided, our content management system, Umbraco, provided a streamlined ability to receive applications and client inquiries with its custom form capabilities. Without requiring third-party employment widgets or software, they now have the powerful tool of web marketing and project acquisition at the tip of their fingertips.
When our work was done and approved, we conducted training to empower their own ability to add content effortlessly and conveniently.
We’re happy to have worked so closely with X West, and we’re additionally certain we met their high expectations with a website that proves it. Visit the site for yourself at www.XWestUSA.com.