They’re a mean, green, fertilizing machine; ProPEAT, based out of Sugar City, Idaho, supplies the world with top-grade fertilization products for lawn care and yard maintenance. Their wide variety of products accommodate climates from the temperate to the extreme, allowing fast and scientifically proven results for anyone seeking grass or plant revitalization across the globe.
With such a renowned product comes the need for an equally presentable website for John Pocock and his team at ProPEAT. Our Project Manager, Kyle Richards, utilized existing video files to compile a stunningly dynamic takeover banner for immediate attention to ProPEAT, their facilities, and their products. Some custom development from our coding team, Adam Humpherys and Jesse Hillman, provided the website an international map with each location of available retailers and distributors.
Our Content Lead, Casey Soelberg, conducted in-house product and merchandise photography for an updated representation of the many goods offered throughout the site. Thanks to the built-in feature of Ecwid, an ecommerce site, customers can quickly and conveniently browse any available items for sale at the click of a button.
This newly invigorated website is the result of constant communication, collaboration, and a desire to produce a refined web presence for an already refined product. We’re proud of the outcome, and we think their customers will, too, once they visit the brand new site at